First Class Comedians

In the spotlight at recent comedy event at Mykonos Casino’s Charlie Noble Restaurant were three of Jou ma se Comedy Club finest comedians, Dugald Pieterse, CJ Benson, and Dylan Skews. Not shy of the stage, the outrageously funny trio were on top form with their hilarious antics and observations. They performed to a crowd of over 96 people at the event.

Comedy veteran, Pieterse headlined the show. His stage presence and energy can only be described as infectious and it is easy to understand why he has thrilled audiences all over South Africa for so long. Dylan Skewes is truly hilarious and had the audience in stitches with his wild, whacky and wicked sense of humour.  Funny man, Benson, calls himself the “humour distribution manager” and had the audience crawling on the floor with laughter.

Western Cape
Eastern Cape
Free State